I did PPE at university.  It never involved dressing up in fancy clothing.  Actually, that’s not true #subfusc (my most inclusive interjection yet into one of these things).


ET comes home


Lloyd’s has issued the attached Bulletin on electronic trading.  The gist is as follows.


  • Yes you can do it and don’t listen to anyone who says otherwise.
  • Use a proper electronic trading platform.
  • Please don’t use email it is really complicated.
  • I mean seriously.
  • Just don’t.
  • And particularly try and avoid forming contracts by email that contain a clause that declares that email is not a valid mode of agreement.  Because that is just bizarre – and really difficult to get out of because what are you going to do?  Endorse it via email?  You know who you are…


Which basically reflects our previous guidance.  Legally certain and binding insurance contracts are far, far easier to construct via a recognised electronic trading platform such as PPL or Whitespace and these should be used wherever possible.


As a watch croc, you’d make a great handbag


Lloyd’s has gathered all its corona related guidance and information together in one section of its website.  This is being called the Covid Hub. But I cannot be alone in remembering episode 7 of season 2 of Miami Vice when small time drugs distributor Covid Hub was gunned down by Crocket & Tubbs in a warehouse on Miami harbour?  Definitely sounds like it…




If you need a refresher on how to use PPL in particular, they have sent this message.


Support measures we have in place at PPL to help any of your staff that may need to brush-up on their knowledge of PPL, or offer our support to help with your business continuity plans.


If your colleagues have any training requirements, we are holding a number of WebEx sessions and each registered user will have access to our online Learning Management System (LMS) – details of which can be found on our website – https://www.placingplatformlimited.com/training-events


If any of your colleagues require assistance with any of the functionality within PPL , then they should contact PPL support on PPLSupport@ebix.com or 0207 264 0880 Monday to Friday 08.00 – 20.00  except UK Bank Holidays.


If you need to add new users or teams to the platform then please contact PPLEnquiries@Lloyds.com who be able to assist.


Out of the Blue


We are where we are as we have all been dutifully complying with government guidance to stay NHS protect your home and live safe or whatever.  But what if that was not the right thing to do? What if the government was controlled by the devil and we were all about to be injected with microchips?  I jest not.  These are the teachings of the sage Lee Ryan formerly out of not-as-good-as-Take-That-or-E17 boy band Blue.  Everything is a conspiracy involving aliens, the 5G network and seven foot reptiles.  And it must be true because it is all in the bible.  So we might as well all go back to the office…


Now, I know what you are thinking because I am too.  This article was published on April 1st.  But it is still up this afternoon which I think more or less confirms that it is not an April fool and, extraordinarily, is actually “true” (to the extent that anything in Daily Mail is “true” which is not a great extent obvs).  But then again Lee has form, not the least his preference for elephants over New Yorkers…


Rallying cry


Since the principle purpose of these emails are to provide an opportunity for me for self-promotion, let us stick to the basics.  Can I heartily recommend my article in Insurance Business Magazine today?  Hopefully a message around doing the right thing by our clients that will resonate with you and, ideally, our insurer partners as well.


EIOPA musings


EIOPA has published some more guidance for insurers and insurance intermediaries.  This reiterates the pro-consumer message that we will all have been making, so is helpful.


As an aside, once Yorkshire becomes an independent country, which can only be a matter of months, will it create an insurance regulator called EYUPA?


We shall DXC


The second attachment today is some performance data from DXC which paint a very rosy, or, in fact, green, picture.  These are measures against a set of Service Level Agreements that are very carrier focussed so may not reflect your experience.  If you do have any issues around the bureau, contact james.livett@liiba.co.uk


Central Q&A


I am aware that many of you will be spending a lot of your days fielding a huge volume of questions from clients about the impact of the current circumstance on their policies etc.  And I would imagine that there will be a number of common themes emerging.  If you think it would help for us to collate these into some form of central Q&A that we can share with you all, let me know (and send us some start up content!)



More tomorrow I expect.  I am off to stick strictly to the self-isolation rules with Neymar.


Performance Weekly update


01.04 Y5284 Market bulletin – ETP and e-placement 230320 Final (1)