As Bernie quits the race in favour of the younger man, we now know that the first Biden to go to university – who had to quit the 1988 Presidential race because he was caught plagiarising a speech by Neil Kinnock – could still be President when he is 82.  Unless The Donald cancels the election.  And you thought being stuck at home was driving you nuts.


Living in a gogglebox


Corona crisis in the world of Gogglebox as Ofcom has received multiple complaints that people who don’t live together should not be sitting that close to each other and watching tele.  Something that surprises me because I am meticulous at maintaining social distance from Mrs Croft whilst she watches Gogglebox.  Something I achieve by being in a different room.


Keeping in trim


Your ever supportive Trade Association does not limit itself to merely providing you insurance related support.  We are here for all your needs.  So we felt strongly that this guide to hair maintenance during lock down was something you must see.  I myself have taken on board numerous useful tips for home dyeing.  And my fringe has never looked better.  And since most of this was penned by Sarah Vine – a woman who not only has coped admirably with alopecia, but must also take some credit for the intricate creation that sits atop Michael Gove’s head – we can be sure she knows her hair styling onions.  Now, back to some texturising…


Makin’ Bacon


Let us get to the hoary old topic of premium payment remittance guidance for Lloyd’s Canada.  We are in discussion with Lloyd’s on this and expect to see some detail out shortly.  I know it is cruel to leave you hanging over a long weekend for something this enticing, but…


Corinthian CAAsuals


We have received an early draft of the proposed communication to brokers and their coverholders around an amended CAA with Lloyd’s Europe.  We will review this with our Facilities Committee but expect them out shortly.


Reg Update


And his brother Ron Update.


Highlights from three separate calls with FCA I have had over the last two days.


  • FCA remains keen to do what it can to help firms cope with the current circumstances.  So if you have issues or ideas that you would rather we raise on your behalf, please do feed them in.
  • FCA made it very clear to insurers that any grey areas in terms of BI cover must not be resolved by lengthy litigation that delivers a solution because the claimant goes bankrupt during the process.  It is giving thought to what alternative process could be put in place.  But it is clear that, if the standard legal process is followed, FCA believes that would be hugely damaging for the industry’s reputation and that of the regulator.
  • FCA is encouraging insurers to pay all claims, both Covid and non-Covid related, swiftly so that money gets to customers in need as soon as possible.  It is also promoting interim payments where it is clear the claim will be paid but information such as to what extent the firm has benefitted from government assistance which may need to be netted off takes some time to uncover.  Mind must be paid to the solvency of the claimant.


And at that point, the FCA person on the call managed to interrupt herself with her own echo and get terribly confused.  Which is a new one on me.


FCA has decided it should send daily coronavirus related emails.  The copy cats.  You can sign up here.  They may not be as serious as these though…




As you are already aware, this column is disproportionately interested in the affect coronavirus is having on drug distribution.  And it is significant.  Drug trade is reduced to people throwing things at each other.  Knock on petty crime down significantly.  Stabbings down dramatically.  So it is not all bad – although no suggestion the changes will be permanent.  But it does provide an opportunity to launch our new competition for the person who can come up with the best Covid-19 related drug lord.  A few to start you off:


Former head of the Guadalajara Cartel Miguel Handgel Felix Gallardo;

Joaquin “El Chapstick” Guzman Loera; and

Pablo tight Chestobar


Any entries you have should be sent to  No prizes, just the glory.



Have lovely Easters.  I am off to sculpt my increasingly long hair into a “Gove”