Not really, but a small technical difficulty meant some of you only got yesterday’s earlier.  So, not wanting to overload you but…


I am from the government and I am here to help


As Ronald Reagan once put it, the eleven most dangerous words in the English language.  But let us give them the benefit of the doubt.  I was on with HM Treasury earlier and they are keen to know if there is any more they can do to help in the current circumstances.  So I said I would canvass you for suggestions.  If you would like to send any ideas over we will collate them, pass them on and see where we get to.


FCA update


Further to yesterday’s/earlier’s news from the chaotic FCA call, I have sent them the attached list of issues that we gleaned from the input of many of you – for which many thanks.  They are considering these and we will let you know when we hear more.  The requests for forbearance may take them a while to consider.


And we will leave it there given today’s double bill.  I am off to watch Atalanta play Valencia.  Like, never…

26.03.20 EMAIL