Just in case you were under the misapprehension that things could not take a really sinister turn, this.


BI on it


FCA has set up a dedicated website to provide updates on its business interruption test cases.  This includes the chance to register for email updates.  At this stage, FCA is calling for information from clients and brokers on policies where there is a dispute as to whether claims should be paid.  You can read the relevant FCA statement published today here.


BI-POOR behaviour on my part


It was remiss of me not to recognise that my audience with Gabriel “Greg Wallace” Bernadino yesterday was as part of a BIPAR gathering.  Our membership of both BIPAR and World Federation of Insurance Intermediaries (WFII – and, yes, I am just exposing the fact that I have never known what BIPAR stood for) is, once again, proving invaluable during the crisis and gives us access to the right people at the right time. However, there is some suggestion that the link I provided yesterday was not the right one as it was a statement aimed at the occupational pensions industry.  That may be true but, believe me, any differences between the message and that aimed at the insurance sector are no wider than a gnat’s crochet.  But here is another link that may or may not be better.


That should keep Isabelle happy for a couple of weeks.


Señor Barnier, no pone su manos a nuestra pescados


As predicted in this column last week, the Brexit talks are going pretty badly.  EU’s “why don’t you leave without leaving” tactic does not sit well with the Cummings inspire “s*d the lot of you” approach.  It is entirely possible that the talks will collapse after the next round in the first week of June.  For which I blame the 5G network and the fact that Boris never really had the virus. Look out for plenty of “Frosty atmosphere” headlines tomorrow.


Flipping EC


Whilst on the subject, European Commission has written to UK to accuse us of having breached the free movement of people rules and threatening to take us to the European Court of Justice.  Which will come as a surprise, no doubt.  The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “We will look at what the EU has to say and we will respond in due course”.  Which is precisely 15 words longer than what Dominic meant.


Declaration of the Rights of Mannequin


A northern Virginian restaurant has come up with a novel idea to spice up social distanced dining.  Novel as in unsettling bordering on the downright creepy.  Although the arrangement might provide slightly more sparkling and witty repartee than at some corporate dinners I have attended.  Plus this place clearly has form.  Viz Faira, the restaurant’s mooing cow on wheels that has a platter of cheese on its back and taps that produce milk.  And I think a lot can be read into the admission: “I’ve always had a thing for mannequins – they never complain about anything, and you can have lots of fun dressing them up”.  But we should probably stop there.


Save to note that this restauranteur won the James Beard Lifetime Achievement Award in 2018.  As opposed to the 2020 Lifetime Beard Achievement Award that so many of you seem to covet in lockdown.


Offline rule


If you are level, you are on.  But a follow up to our regular rants against email trading is to remind you that “offline” markets can be managed within PPL and should not be used as an excuse to shift off platform.  Reminder training available from PPL if you need it.


Waving good Biden


If you had to pull out of one Presidential election because you were caught plagiarising a Neil Kinnock speech, you would have thought you might have concluded that sounding anything like a different failed lefty politician would be something to avoid.  Seems not, as Joe Biden has been filmed saying “if I believed Tara Reid I would not vote for me”.  Eerily reminiscent of Hilary’s interjection in the 1992 campaign.  Joe, you really need some ideas of your own…



That is it for another week.  Enjoy the limited freedom, because if this hour’s reports on R are to be believed we will be reimprisoned by Tuesday latest.