Whilst we not yet know precisely how people contract Covid-19, evidence has emerged that it might be brought on by being mean to Health Ministers on TV.




The government’s new Bounce Back Loans for small businesses were launched today.  All the information is available on the Treasury website.  Loans of between £5,000 and £50,000 are available – and as they are 100% Government backed and you only have to answer seven questions to get them, should be available relatively quickly.  Specifically insurance brokers are eligible to apply and there is no limit on turnover.


Every Turn a Pain


We have previously poured scorn on the use of email to bind business under the Lloyd’s Emergency Trading Protocol (ETP).  And we remain firmly of that opinion – use of a proper electronic trading platform like PPL or Whitespace protects you from a whole world of pain.  However, if you are using it for substantial elements of your business it would be useful to know this to feed into discussions we are having with Lloyd’s and LMA as to how the protocol might evolve.  So if you could let us know by emailing enquries@liiba.co.uk that would be much appreciated.




Extraordinary developments in Tanzania where a goat and a papaya have contracted Covid-19.   Or their tests are rubbish.  One or the other.  But I am taking from this that sheep are immune.  And it is alright because the Madagascan’s have a cure.  This latter fact almost certain to be picked up in today’s White House press briefing….


All In this together


An update from AIG on its position in the current circumstances.  Five commitments that essentially boil down to:


  • We won’t leave you in the lurch;
  • We are here for your renewals (but will probably put the price up);
  • Let’s talk about premium payment holidays etc if we have to;
  • A specific jibe aimed at the Californian Insurance Commissioner; and
  • A Smashy and Nicey section on all the great work they do for charidee.


But good to know.



I am off to download the new NHS app so that my doctor knows where I am at all times.