Dry skin on your hands from all the washing getting to you yet?

Just to confirm the inevitable, I have started taking the dogs on a lunchtime walk past Otford station. This reveals to me that, unburdened by any passengers whatsoever, southeastern is running immaculately to timetable. And no-one will ever know.

Anyway, a few more virus related morsels.

Training station

After yesterday’s fervent pleading for you to use a recognised electronic trading platform for all your remote placing needs, we felt obligated to make sure you knew what you were doing. So please find below a helpful message from PPL team.

“f you would like to book a free remote training session on how to quote, negotiate, bind and place endorsements on PPL you can now do this via Webex training sessions. To book a Webex session go to https://placingplatformlimited.com/training-events. Current users can also use PPL’s online training tool (learning management system), to brush up on their PPL skills at their convenience. If you are unable to find a Webex slot, or you cannot find the course that you are looking for, or you wish to be set up with access to the PPL’s training tool please contact PPLenquiries@lloyds.com”.

Whitespace has its own You Tube channel – which is very a la mode – which you can access here. Or contact hello@whitespace.co.uk to book an online demo.

Wither insurers?

An expanded version of our paper tracking insurer and other useful companies plans is attached. New entries from Covea and Chaucer; updated contact details from Allianz plus, in the wider interests of the sanity of our now remote membership, The Wine Society. Heartening news. It has seen unprecedented demand showing that you are all hoarding tempranillo as well as toilet rolls. And stocks remain high!

How Harvard can this be?

If you are struggling to adjust to working from home, there are some interesting insights, amongst significant amounts of schmaltz, here. The clothing suggestions are interesting. I am sorry to have to report that, now that we have mastered video conferencing between the new outposts of the LIIBA empire, I have established that James, freed from the shackles of daily market convention, has rummaged through the furthest reaches of his dressing up box in his ceaseless quest to challenge the boundaries of fashion. No photos. Yet.

Can they be Frank-furt

Not to be outdone by FCA, EIOPA has published some thoughts on the impact of coronavirus. Nothing ground breaking – insurers should treat clients well, pay claims and try not to go bankrupt is the gist. But worth seeing – especially for those of you with new EU operations to consider.

Same time tomorrow?

CarrierCoronaStatus 18th Mar